Lighting is more than an aesthetic touch – it’s an advertising necessity for you business. Jenson is the elite sign maintenance and sign installation company in Utah. Our technicians are well-equipped with a fleet of bucket trucks and cranes to access just about any sign for your service or retrofit needs.

(801) 262-2800 Our Services
Company warehouse


Maintaining lighting high or low

We specialize in regular maintenance to avoid outages that hinder the safety of your property and harm your image. Lighting not only represents the image of your company, but it enhances business and minimizes liability when in peak operating condition. We assist you in maximizing your lighting investments by keeping them well maintained and functioning properly.

Custom site maps provide an overview of the lighting at your location and allow you to track maintenance needs fixture by fixture. Since most maintenance needs are unnoticed during regular business hours, we use our site maps to conduct complimentary night surveys to identify your lighting maintenance needs.

Experts in

Give us a Call.
We can help.

We’ve been installing, maintaining, and repairing industrial and commercial equipment for a very long time and would love a chance to talk.

(877) 220-8606 Request Service